Data data222.txt

NOTE: I found this pasta on my old pc while cleaning it up. It said the date created was 22/9/2010, so I was 12 when I wrote it.
The pasta:
I was at home, on my computer. I was in internet looking for funny videos or picturees.
I didnt find any, so i went to paste bin because someone told me that, people sometimes put their passwords in there.
I didnt find any passwords on there, but i found anohter thing. It was similar to a normal text but instead it was wierd, it has like text inside text and it slided down until text went under itself.
But. I thought that was porbably a bug in the paste bin or maybe someone hacked paste bin. At the enf of file... it said something that was a i wierd. I thought that it was not nomal so i didnt open my window but i closed it after opening it.
I thought that the police would come because the text said "I will call the copes on... you" so i rushed to my front door but the police were not there, instead it was my friend Andy. He said that he cant do it
He looked like he was dying because he had a maggot crawling inside his veins so i called the 911 and said all the real things. The ambulance came after 12 minute and it was not an ambulance but it was
The ambu lance doors opened and some people who looked like nurses or medics idk they looked at Andy and one of them had a weird surgery thng. I am scared of blood so i... go to my computer and dont open my door and i lock my door.
But, the paste bin was still open and it had change.d, the texts were in a alien looking language and it wsa all in red i decided to press F1 and it translated to spanish but i cant read spanish so i presses F2 and it translates into finnish.
I am finnish and realized it said everything that has happened so far like the ambulace and stuff. I was i and a was scared f. Tib he it is said that i dont have a webcam on computer so i didnt know how paste bin knew this.
End. and btw this is fake and